It was dark, and the little kid was hungry, cold, in his thin pajama he stood kneeled in front of the window fearing the rumbling sound of the never ending thunders, in a mix of a stunned look he tried to understand, to somehow feel something, feel something… but the kid wouldn’t feel nothing… he stopped feeling a long time ago, the window, opens and the ravaging storm gets in the room trying to send him backwards, be the only thing that happened was, that his hair started to waive, his eyes to tried to force opened while he stood up and with his arms along his body he tried to get in the darkness of the night…
But this night as the previous, wasn’t an ordinary night, it was another rumble, another stone, another stab, that started that July morning, and got bigger in November, and now he faced the night, himself, what he has done, what he should, would, or could do now in that particular scenario. Darkness filled the room and the dark forces of Mankind shattered another moment of sanity to give place to madness. The wind, cold, hard, savage, stroke harder and harder, the rain water was black and freezing, the lightning’s shadows, alive and unshaped.
The pain got bigger, the tears started to fall as he grabbed the shattered glass in the window to stand still, and the blood from the hands started flowing, but no sound came out from his mouth, he learned to suffer inside, to take it the deepest possible just to trough it away afterwards, stronger, harder with all his strengths.
To him there was no light in the night after what happened, every night was equal, every pain was now painless, he was numb, and all he wanted to do was to try to understand, because he was falling apart, dying each day inside, and every second that passed he was one more second close to insanity.
But there he was disappointed with life, trying to feel them, because the world was now a stranger to what he was, no one could ever understand his love and devotion… one feeling led to another, the blood started to flow more intensively, his teeth started to show, and the mouth changed from numb to rigid, hurt changed into pain, pain into hate, hate into pride, pride into will, will into vengeance, vengeance into strength, strength into power.
He took one step back looked at the bedroom mirror and saw the dark body shaped shadow approaching the window flying, he smiled and in a second the shadow turned into a screaming daemon entering the room, he turned quickly with a knife in his hand and jumped into the never ending night…