The power and the question:
I've been trapped so long in this cave, that each time you approached me, you had the power to twist my mind... you are evil, corrupted, and still you apear as a 3 year old child so that i may came soft and harmless... you won... but i crawled...
Today... i've spoken with my deamons....wich side am I on?
The anwser:
I'm on the deamon's side.... I'm an evil man in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death,
to spread devestation and destructuin wherever we go....
The action:
Once again at night you aproached in your white vests... a small girl in a cute outfit so that I would harm you... You sent my child... our child... the little blond blue eye angel...
But not this time... this time I was ready... I lifted my self up... the young eyes starred at me... so I ignored...and tried to see beond heart... I screamed with the pain I would have... I was about to kill my child... my blood.... I screamed laugther and laugther as i got close.... the child desapeared and you showed up... with the freezing smile..and the cinical eyes looking at me forcing your head to lift a bit while you faced down... I ran ... gave a last scream and I stabbed you right in the stomach...as you have stabbed me 2 years before... I screamed again and shouted "Dye...please Dye....Why wont you just dye..." as i cried... i felt your blood in my hand... it started to cover it.... you looked astunished and for the first time scared... " I will move on... I will live...." " Dye...DYE!!!!!!!!! DYE!!!!" and I gathered all my strenghts and forced the nife a bit more.... and finally you felt on the floor.... I was devasted....but free... now I had to cross the fields of pain...but just to leave the valley...
all that remained... will vanish with time...
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